Morphis M1: Automated Cash Logistics for the Modern Banking Enterprise

I have been working in the niche market that manages cash nearly my entire career. The overarching definition of cash management is broad, but the industry is still doing things the “old way”. Today I am excited to share that we at Morphis have created a game changing solution to automate cash logistics for the modern banking enterprise.
The Morphis M1 Software Solution is here to manage the logistics Financial Institutions, Cash-In-Transit, ATM’s, additional consumer facing kiosks and every retail location where money is exchanged for goods or services.
Logistics encompasses supply, demand, and fulfillment of societal needs of the currency supply chain. The Morphis M1 helps you keep the right amount of money, in the right denomination, in the right place at the right time. Certainly, the Morphis M1 manages the fluid nature of the movement of cash from The Fed to the consumer making all the stops along the money supply chain; whilst tracking and proving accountability of movement along the way.
Most people do not think about the accountability of the movement of cash. At Morphis that is all we think of.
We will be showcasing dashboards and taking a deep dive into this new solution during our Free Webinar on Thursday June, 3 at 10 AM (CST).
Click here to register for this Webinar.