6 Essential Tips for Working Remotely

The current crisis has businesses around the World encouraging and at times requiring employees to work from home. For some remote work is new but for the Morphis Team we’ve been working remote for many years and we want to share some of the ways we stay productive, especially since it’s back to school season.
Read below for a few our best tips…
Gabby = Clean Workspace
I keep the items on my desk organized, otherwise I know it effects my attitude and performance towards work. For example, if my desk is messy, my thoughts and tasks for the day may seem scattered with no organized plan to get them done. Whenever I feel that way, I look around and clean up my desk / what’s around me to feel more in control and organized.
I would also say one thing I couldn’t work without, would be the MUTE button. There’s always so much background noise in my house (with having 4 nephews all under the age of 4, come to visit) and that mute button has saved me many times.

Cori = Sunlight
Getting enough sunlight is key for me to feel energized and focused enough to handle whatever challenges the day may bring. I start the morning by opening all the blinds and curtains to let the light in. I moved my desk near a window so that I can take mini “brain breaks” throughout the day to look outside and watch the birds or the wind blowing through the trees. I even hung a bird feeder outside my window and have enjoyed daily visits from my new feathered ‘coworkers’. With so much time spent staring at screens and navigating meetings, I’m thankful for these peaceful connections to nature.
Vicki = Breath Break
For me, one of my tips is making sure that I am getting up to clear my mind in between the things that I am doing. I have a timer set on my phone (on vibrate) that goes off every hour. When it goes off, I get up away from my desk area and breath and clear my mind for a minute. If I am on a call, I would usually get up and take a few steps back and forth in front of my desk just to get out of sitting.

Debra = Handsfree Headset
On top of the world – at my desk for over 20 years. I still use a wired USB headset. It’s not very attractive or modern. I can pace… but not too far from my desktop. Almost everyone asked me before COVID “how can you work from home” or “how can you be disciplined enough to work from home”? My answer has always been that it is far more productive than the office. Less getting called to meetings you have no business being in. No distractions from office conversation. Sure, I sometimes miss the coffee clutch by the copier, but I would much rather commute from one room of my house to another instead of sitting in traffic. The hair and makeup are much easier and jeans, t-shirt and barefoot are comfortable.
Tory = Fresh Air
I cannot live without a desk fan. I love the feel of a breeze and it makes the inside feel less sterile and blah. Also, I’ve recently started working out in the morning which has made my day go much smoother and I feel less guilty about eating that afternoon snack at my desk.

Jay = Routine
Find a good routine. Get up at the same time and do your normal routine as if you were going into the office. This really makes the transition easier and gets you in the work mindset before you sit down. Don’t get distracted! This one is hard to do but those dishes wouldn’t get done if you were going to the office, the laundry wouldn’t get started if you left the house for work. Do not let the things that should be done around the house take your focus from what should be your normal working time. Do something for yourself every day. Whether it’s before, during a break, or at the end of your day take at least 5 minutes to do something for yourself. You have the added time given back to you that you would have spent on your commute to the office.